Adultery in the Church
By Steve Flinchum
Published by:
Landmark Archiving and Multimedia Publishing Co.
P.O. Box 121 Annville, KY 40402
Desiring the maximum effectiveness and readability for these pages I feel the need for a few lines here for definition and clarity. First of all, in the title I use the term "the church." I do not refer to any kind of universal church, neither visible nor invisible. A New Testament church is always a local and visible body of born-again and baptized believers with Christ as her head and the Bible as her guide. As we might speak of "the husband" or "the wife" in a generic sense without any allusion to any kind of universal invisible husband or wife, I use the term "the church" in the generic sense in the title.
The picture of a building is employed on the cover as a readily recognizable symbol. Let us remember that the Bible never uses the word "church" to refer to a building but to the congregation.
Given the nature of the subject and title, the use of the scarlet letter "A" in the steeple and windows was irresistible. The use of the steeple in the illustration is not intended as an endorsement of their presence on Baptist meeting-houses. The best we can determine is that the use of steeples or spires on houses of worship originated with their use as objects to attract and please the sex goddesses. If that is so, perhaps it is all the more fitting that it be used as it is in the illustration.
The regard of people for marriage is shaped by their beliefs as to the primary purpose of it. Some have regarded its primary purpose as that of procreation. Many recognize its value to the maintenance of order in society as the primary importance. Others hold the pleasure or security they may be beneficiary of in the highest esteem. In our present day of a pleasure seeking, thrill seeking, throw-away, blame it on someone else society when we are constantly appealed to with "get the cash you deserve now," "return it if you don’t like it," and "tell them you mean business" solicitations, respect for the concept of life-long marriage seems to be at an all-time low. It is only when a right biblical understanding of God’s purpose and intention for marriage is held that marriage can be appreciated with the esteem it is due. God instituted marriage with the intention of using it to teach truths with typology about His chosen nation, about His New Testament churches, about the bride of Christ, and even about salvation. It is hoped that God will use the following pages for the edification of the reader.
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